How to: Add Mark Shifts as "Sick (Paid)"

Important Notes

  • Anyone with a Security Group that can Save / Post hours currently can mark shifts as "Sick."
  • Logbook entries from the "Employee Attendance" log will not translate into payroll.
  • Big Chip Connect's Payroll Module, is required for this process. If you are not subscribed to this module, please contact to enable it for your account.

Option 1: Shift Block

  1. Click the Scheduling icon in the navigation menu
  2. Click the Post tab
  3. Select a department in the calendar day
  4. Find a shift block that needs to be marked "Sick"
  5. Select the Yes option in the Sick dropdown for the applicable shift block
  6. Finish by clicking the Save icon in the shift block

    NOTE: Shift block will be saved and moved under a non-operational department - most likely your Management (MGMT) scheduling department. 

Option 2: Quick Add

  1. Click the Scheduling icon in the navigation menu
  2. Click the Post tab
  3. Select a department in the calendar day
  4. Click the Quick Add button in the ribbon
  5. Fill in the details into the fields (including hours)

    NOTE: Estimated expected hours are required before you are able to select "Sick".

  6. Select the Yes option in the Sick dropdown to mark as "sick"
  7. Finish by clicking the Add button

    NOTE: Shift block will be saved and moved under a non-operational department - most likely your Management (MGMT) scheduling department. 


  1. Where do shift blocks that are marked sick go after you save it? (Do they disappear?) Nope, they don’t disappear! After you save a shift block that is marked “Sick," the block is moved under a non-operational department - most likely your Management (MGMT) scheduling department. Have a look under the Management department, and you will see the block on the right-hand side as per usual.
  2. Why are the shift blocks under Management? Shift blocks are moved under the management scheduling department (or another non-operational department similar to it), to avoid cluttering / throwing off operational labour hours.
  3. Why can't I edit a shift block that is marked as "Sick"? Shift blocks marked as “Sick” are no longer editable, as the hours and rates are automatically calculated based on provincial guidelines.

  4. How do I pay someone for a sick day that was never scheduled? You can manually add an employee using the “Quick Add” button in the ribbon and selecting “Yes” in the "Sick" dropdown after entering all other details (including hours) first.
  5. How do I know how many sick days an employee has used? Currently, you are only notified by the pop-up alert that appears after you save a shift block marked as "Sick."  Alternatively, you may also look at an employee's payroll history for roles that include "Sick".

  6. How do I know if an employee qualifies for Paid Sick Leave? Employees that do not qualify will trigger a pop alert (with a reason code) for why they did not qualify based on provincial guidelines.

  7. How many sick days are allowed? Do the expire? You will need to review your provincial guidelines for an answer to this question. We follow them too.
  8. I don't see a "Sick" option - do I need to contact support to enable this feature? - or - My store is in a province where "Paid Sick Leave" isn't legislated - can I use this to track my sick days?Currently, this option is only available to BC. We will implement this as other provinces create guidelines we can follow- stay tuned. (If no guidelines make their way to us, we may implement this feature as a way to track "Unpaid" sick days.)
  9. Can I retroactively add Sick days from January 1, 2022? If the payroll period is open, you can go back and add / edit the Sick shift block. If the payroll cut-off has passed, please contact
  10. My shift block seems locked up - I can't save the hours - do I need to contact support? Please do try to refresh your screen first - if you are still unable to save your shift block - please send the details + a screenshot to