Overview: Reports

Accounts Payable

Report Name Description
GL report by period Generate a report of all posted invoices for a particular GL Account, within a set time range (period).
Invoice number search Search for all matching invoice numbers.
Purchased by vendor report Generate a report of purchases ordered by Vendor, within a set time range.
Suspense GL report Generate a report of all POS SYNC invoices with suspense account, within a set time range.
Vendor invoices by year View a list of all invoices from a vendor by year.
Vendor master list View a report of all active vendors.
Weekly review of invoices Verify all invoices by week.
Weekly review of petty cash Verify petty cash entries by week

Daily Entry

Report Name Description
Weekly sales checker Generate a report of all DSR sales, within a set time range (period).
Daily sales reconciliation report This report contains an hourly report for employees for the selected pay period, and Ownership Group.

Human Resources

Report Name Description
Anniversary report This report contains the start date and years of service for all active employees.
Employee history Generate a report with all employee history using their Big Chip Connect System ID (not their employee ID)
Average days employed report View a report of the average days employees are employed per fiscal year. 
(This report can take a while to generate, depending on how many employees are in your location.)
Time off report View a report of all employees approved, declined, pending time off requests, within a specified date range.
Birthday report View a report of all active employee's birthdays.
Detailed employee list View a detailed report of all active employees.
Underage employee report This report contains the Birthdays of all employees that are underage and active, based on the age selected.
Newly activated employees This report contains Active Employees added within the specified date range.(Employees with multiple roles will appear multiple times to display rate of pay.)


Report Name Description
Sign-out sheet Generates a sign-out sheet for the specified date and department.
Availability report View all active employees approved/current availabilities.
Hours worked (custom range) View an hourly report for employees, within a specified date range.
Hours worked (payroll) View an hourly report for employees, within a specified pay period.
Hours worked – com.owner (custom range) View an hourly report for employees, within a specified date range and ownership group (if applicable).

Hours worked – com.owner (payroll) View an hourly report for employees, withing a specified pay period and ownership group (if applicable).
Sample report
Comparison report (custom range) Compare the percentages of hours and wages earned by one role vs. the other roles in a department, within a specified date range.
Comparison report (payroll) Compare the percentages of hours and wages earned by one role vs. the other roles in a department, within a specified pay period.
Daily actions Generates a report of the daily actions, company-wide.


Report Name Description
Scheduled date lookup Provides a more detailed look at all shifts for a specified date.
Shift block lookup Provides a more detailed look for a specified shift block. 
Shift slot lookup Provides a more detailed look for a specified shift lookup.
Employee earnings View employee earnings, within a specified date range.
Employee shift history Generate a report for all shifts and hours worked by a specified employee.
Stat inquiry View how a specified employees stat holiday pay is generate for a specified date.
Custom payroll Run a payroll for custom date ranges.
Employee payroll information Provides a more detailed look at a specified employee's payroll information, within specified dates.
Employee tax information View Federal and Provincial tax information for all active employees.